Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Night"by Ellie Weisel (Germany)

This novel is about Ellie’s expirience in the Holocaust, all he had to live through.
From when they were locked up in the ghettos, to being liberated. He lived through
harsh moments like when he was separated from his mom and sisters. Also all the
harsh treatment the Nazi's applied on his father and him, and all the other Jews. 
This novel tells us that the German leader's just wanted to give their people an
excuse for their failure during the WWII. It also tells us that the Nazi's had no  
compassion for the Jews who were innocent people, they were people without a heart.
I will remember the moment when they are liberated and they all go eat, and forget about everything else at the moment. The image I will always remember is when they hung that little boy, and he died slowly. This changes my way of seeing Germany in general, these were horrible acts. Two very sad parts were when Ellie's father died, and the hung boy. The most horrifying was the burning of so many people that were still alive. The most angering part was when Ellie was hit so many times by the head of the block. The most confusing and touching part was when the families were separated. 

Javier Sanchez