Thursday, November 4, 2010

“Central Station” (Brazil)

This movie shows many scenes where you can see the poverty that a lot of people in Brazil live in. In the story this boy Josue lives alone with his mom and he doesnt know his dad. His mom is runned over by a bus and she passes away, so he ends up with this letter writer by the name of Dora. Well this tells me that the men in Brazil have relations with women but they dont take the responsibility of the children they have. Another conclusion I can make from that is, people in Brazil dont use protection, which makes diseases spread quicker.
Well Dora and Josue are always arguing and fighting, I to have small arguements with my dad here and there but we never fight. Between Dora and Josue you dont see very much communication and trust. With my parents I have a lot of communication and they trust me. Just like with Dora and Josue become really close and they cared for each other, that how it is with my parents they care for me and I care for them. I think that family is the most important thing in the world, it is best when a family sticks together. I think family is very important because your family cares about you more than anyone else, since your relatives.

Javier Sanchez

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