Thursday, October 21, 2010

"No Dogs Bark" by Juan Rulfo (Mexico)

In this literature Ignacio is being carried by his father across a rocky desert, they are going to the nearest town. Ignacio is very sad and doesn't really speak with his dad since his dad hates him. He even cursed Ignacio's blood, he is ashamed of Ignacio being his son. This tells you that there are men in Mexico that have kids and don't even think about raising them. That doesn't mean that all men are like that in Mexico, I am from Mexico and i haven't seen anything like this happen recently. Also maybe that there is lack of communication between families. Well this story was sad and I find Ignacio's dad to be rather pathetic.
I will teach my kids how to do the jobs my dad has thought me, so they know how hard it is to earn money when they think about dropping out of school. I will give my teenage kids freedom but with a limit, and depending on their actions. Will be if they keep such freedoms or if they lose it. In the case that my children misbehave I will show them the consequences that such an act can have later in their life. Then i would probably take away some of their privileges to show them it's better to behave good. No matter what my children do they are a part of you, I would never be anything like Ignacio's father. A child can't be treated like he treats his son, don't call yourself a father if you do.
   Javier Sanchez

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