Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Night"by Ellie Weisel (Germany)

This novel is about Ellie’s expirience in the Holocaust, all he had to live through.
From when they were locked up in the ghettos, to being liberated. He lived through
harsh moments like when he was separated from his mom and sisters. Also all the
harsh treatment the Nazi's applied on his father and him, and all the other Jews. 
This novel tells us that the German leader's just wanted to give their people an
excuse for their failure during the WWII. It also tells us that the Nazi's had no  
compassion for the Jews who were innocent people, they were people without a heart.
I will remember the moment when they are liberated and they all go eat, and forget about everything else at the moment. The image I will always remember is when they hung that little boy, and he died slowly. This changes my way of seeing Germany in general, these were horrible acts. Two very sad parts were when Ellie's father died, and the hung boy. The most horrifying was the burning of so many people that were still alive. The most angering part was when Ellie was hit so many times by the head of the block. The most confusing and touching part was when the families were separated. 

Javier Sanchez

Thursday, November 4, 2010

“Central Station” (Brazil)

This movie shows many scenes where you can see the poverty that a lot of people in Brazil live in. In the story this boy Josue lives alone with his mom and he doesnt know his dad. His mom is runned over by a bus and she passes away, so he ends up with this letter writer by the name of Dora. Well this tells me that the men in Brazil have relations with women but they dont take the responsibility of the children they have. Another conclusion I can make from that is, people in Brazil dont use protection, which makes diseases spread quicker.
Well Dora and Josue are always arguing and fighting, I to have small arguements with my dad here and there but we never fight. Between Dora and Josue you dont see very much communication and trust. With my parents I have a lot of communication and they trust me. Just like with Dora and Josue become really close and they cared for each other, that how it is with my parents they care for me and I care for them. I think that family is the most important thing in the world, it is best when a family sticks together. I think family is very important because your family cares about you more than anyone else, since your relatives.

Javier Sanchez

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Columbia)

This story tells you about how the death of their people in Columbia is respected. In the story the man is made clothing, they bring him flowers and treat him like a king. We see how the people really show respect to the dead. They get the dead everything they need to have a respectful funeral. So people in Columbia have a lot of respect for the dead.

I haven't really thought of how I want my funeral to be, but thats something to think about. Well I want a simple funeral, I want a mexican band to play at my funeral. At the funeral home unless my family doesnt want to, I want an open casket. The day of my funeral I want all my family and friends to be there, they dont have to bring anything. All i want is all my family and friends, and the band to be playing. I want a band so they can sing songs that give me a farewell to this world. This is different because I have never been to a funeral where a band is playing. Latin Americans show respect and honor to the dead, they show respect to the families of the dead.

"No Dogs Bark" by Juan Rulfo (Mexico)

In this literature Ignacio is being carried by his father across a rocky desert, they are going to the nearest town. Ignacio is very sad and doesn't really speak with his dad since his dad hates him. He even cursed Ignacio's blood, he is ashamed of Ignacio being his son. This tells you that there are men in Mexico that have kids and don't even think about raising them. That doesn't mean that all men are like that in Mexico, I am from Mexico and i haven't seen anything like this happen recently. Also maybe that there is lack of communication between families. Well this story was sad and I find Ignacio's dad to be rather pathetic.
I will teach my kids how to do the jobs my dad has thought me, so they know how hard it is to earn money when they think about dropping out of school. I will give my teenage kids freedom but with a limit, and depending on their actions. Will be if they keep such freedoms or if they lose it. In the case that my children misbehave I will show them the consequences that such an act can have later in their life. Then i would probably take away some of their privileges to show them it's better to behave good. No matter what my children do they are a part of you, I would never be anything like Ignacio's father. A child can't be treated like he treats his son, don't call yourself a father if you do.
   Javier Sanchez

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Borders" by Thomas King (Canada)

In the story "Borders" I learned about how people
at the border checks are really strict but in a way kind
racist. They dont care where you are from you must be either from Canada or from the U.S. So when the women and her son try to pass the border to the U.S. they weren't alloweed to pass. The mom just said her nationality, and the guards didnt care of her Native American nationality. Then when the press arrives they let them into the U.S., isnt that a coincidence.

I would say my ethnicity is more important to me because, ethnicity is like my culture, my traditions. So basically my way of living, and that has more influence on my life than my nationality. This making ethnicity more important than nationality.
Javi S